I have a quiet passion for anything circus. I've never been to one, and I'm not sure if I'd like the real thing, especially not performing animals. Of course, to see Cirque du Soleil would be marvellous, but we'd have to take out a small loan or sell our body parts to afford the tickets. So I content myself with browsing my collection of what I might grandly call, my resource material. Look...

One of my best 10p finds, from a village fete bookstall. A moment when your heart beats a little faster and you look round quickly to see if anyone else has spotted your treasure.

Battered, torn and broken in places, yet Humberto's little circus is beautiful to me.

Not so fragile - my Christmas present from Andy (very *subtly* suggested by me). It weighs as much as a baby elephant itself, and is a whopping 45cm tall (17 & 3/4") 29cm wide (11") and nearly 8cm thick (3").

It is stuffed with a smorgasbord of everything circus, hundreds of pages of pictorial gorgeousness. I could happily drown in it and frequently do.

On a (much) smaller scale, this sweetie, an open the flap booklet. Front -


Turn the flap...

Turn the flap...

Turn the flap...

Back cover.

Not everything is on my bookshelf though. The other day I came across this, via Fern Animals and almost cried with sheer delight.
Tomorrow I take the first batch of this menagerie to the shop, which in itself is worthy of a little Grand Parade. It's been a long old seven weeks.

A BIG PS - I do not like performing animals either, unless they are firmly between the pages of books!